Wednesday, March 12, 2008

we've moved to the barker block!

We've moved to our new facility - the LoftyDog Academy, located at the Barker Block (in the Arts District) and you're invited to our soft launch:

(click on the image to "biggify")

Just in case you can't see the flyer:

The Loftydog Academy
is pleased to announce its first
Paw-ty Hour at the Bark-er Block
6pm-9pm, Thursday, March 13th

Come and enjoy food, music, dogs and help us celebrate our new neighborhood. Barker Block is also the new home to Urth Caffé, Loft Appeal, and Arte Calidad.

Our rates for Bark-er Park passes, yearly memberships, grooming, daycare, boarding, and more have been posted to our LoftyDog website. Come to our Paw-ty for special pre-pay preview rates!